My Kickstarter Campaign for RIP Corey, My Friend Died and It Sucks! successfully funded on January 3, 2023!
74 backers pledged $11,850 (goal $11,700) December 3, 2022–January 3, 2023
What’s next? According to Kickstarter, my job is to:
- Finish the work I promised ~ yes, thank you, I would have done that anyway!
- Deliver the rewards
- Ship the books
- Email the ebooks
- Have one zoom meeting
- Obtain the desired memorial words from 14 backers who chose to have a line at the back of the book memorializing a loved one(s) who has died. Have illustrator and designer create that page and insert it
- Update backers regularly
- I’ve decided to update every 2-3 weeks via an update to the Kickstarter page that also gets emailed to the backers automatically
- I’m updating my Kickstarter page with the new illustrations & sketches, and videos, any information I think will keep backers excited and involved
I used Kickstarter for capital. I found a bunch of people who believe in me and my book. This new group of people are the beginning of my community, and the more I update them and collaborate with similar creators (illustrators, editors, designers, marketers), I think I’m building my brand… That’s something I never desired doing, but Corey is pushing me toward.
There really is nothing to lose by trying a Kickstarter campaign. Worst case, you don’t reach your funding. Then, that’s it. People’s cards don’t get charged. Yes, you will have put forth a lot of effort, but it’s effort you’ll need to put forth for the book anyway. And the deadlines really help!
Previous Posts by Chris Buchanan
Congratulations, Chris, and thank you for updating the BAIPA community.
Thank you so much Pauline! Knee deep in getting this book printed! Chris