UPDATE: BAIPA continues to meet via ZOOM ONLY every month. AND we have two hybrid meetings scheduled for 2024: June 1st and December 7th, where we will meet in person at the Next Key Room in Novato, California, as well as having access via Zoom.
All members, and visitors who register in advance, will receive a link to attend via Zoom video conferencing. On the Friday evening before the meeting, we will send the link and password out to members and to non-members who register online. Non-members must pre-register to attend. If you pre-registered but have not received the link by around 9 pm Friday night, please email membership @ baipa.org to alert us.
Please note that, as always, the meetings begin at 9 am with Q&A, followed by networking and introductions, with the speaker’s presentation from 11 am – 12:15 pm.
Workshops, when offered (which is most months) have been moved to mornings on the Saturday two weeks following the regular meeting (most often the third Saturday of the month). A separate registration and link are required.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you via Zoom on the first Saturday of the month! Note that the July meeting in 2024 will occur on the second Saturday of the month due to the Independence Day holiday.
The Bay Area Independent Publishers Association is a diverse and open group for those interested in the world of independent publishing, from folks who simply have a book idea to published authors, editors to illustrators, readers to reviewers, agents to printers, audio book experts to book shepherds.
One of my favorite things about BAIPA is its culture of generosity, the willingness — even eagerness — to share what we have each learned in the process of bringing stories to life. We provide educational programs, networking, marketing opportunities, encouragement, and information on industry vendors and services. And lots of one-on-one advice and mentoring.
We welcome all who have an interest in making connections within the world of independent publishing and learning more about how to publish and sell their work successfully.
Do join us! Please visit our Membership Benefits page to learn more. Together we are raising the standard of independent publishing and helping our members thrive.
—Becky Parker Geist, BAIPA Board of Directors, President