Thanks to those of you who submitted book blurbs for our contest already. However, because of a scheduling conflict, we are extending the deadline for the contest until April 30. We will vote on the entries at the May meeting. In the meantime, … [Read more...]
I highly recommend watching Amazon’s video on M.O.D. book printing.
It will answer a lot of questions, I'm sure. … [Read more...]
Submit Your Blurb for March 19 ‘Killer Book Blurb’ Workshop
I’m leading a BAIPA workshop on “How to Write a Killer Book Blurb” on March 19 at 10 am. The blurb is the book description that appears on the back cover of the book and on your online sales page. You might think of it as the teaser — it’s … [Read more...]
Aikya Param Publishes College Research Paper on BAIPA
Below is a research paper on BAIPA that I completed for a Berkeley City College class. Bay Area Independent Publishers Association In a YouTube video, Fantagraphics Co-founder Gary Groth said that self-publishing comics was first viable in the … [Read more...]
Unfettered Journey Wins Six Awards and Is Now Translated into German, Italian, and French
The writing journey continues, and the German translation of Unfettered Journey launched today. With the release of Ins Ungewisse, there now are three translations in the market. While the international novels are relatively unknown with little … [Read more...]
Joel Friedlander — In Memoriam
Long-time BAIPA member Joel Friedlander died on May 7 after seven years of trying — successfully — to find ways to live productively with progressing cancer. For many of us he was a mentor in many aspects of self-publishing, having gotten involved … [Read more...]
Booklife by Publisher’s Weekly Seeks Submissions for Certain Genre Lists
There doesn't seem to be any restriction on pub date, and there is no cost. This seems like an excellent opportunity for many of our BAIPA members and fans. Here's a link to the list for the rest of the year. They are now asking for submissions for … [Read more...]
Introducing Kindle Vella…for serialized stories
This was just announced today, I believe. I found this video and below that are some links for more information. I have a feeling this will be useful to many BAIPA members. Please come back and add your thoughts to the Comments on this article. … [Read more...]
Audiblegate Campaign: Fair Deal for Rights Holders
The following article is copied from the ALLI website. ALLI, the Alliance of Independent Authors, an excellent non-profit professional association for authors who self-publish, much like BAIPA. ALLi was founded by Orna Ross and Philip Lynch in 2012. … [Read more...]
Can I, Should I Change My Book Title?
Last fall, after a fellow author interviewed for a podcast, she said to me that she found it interesting that someone as articulate and accomplished as I was chose such a poor book title. Ouch! She was referring to my most recent novel, which … [Read more...]
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