Carol Verburg
Pen Name
CJ Verburg
Author, Developmental Editing, Ghost Writing, Playwriting
NOVELS: "Another Number for the Road: a Cory Goodwin Mystery"
"Silent Night Violent Night: a Cory Goodwin Mystery"
"Croaked: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery"
"Zapped: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery"
"Shafted. or The Toastrack Enigma: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery"
STORIES: "A Terrible Tragedy" in Malice Domestic 16: Mystery Most Diabolical
"Birdbrain" in Fault Lines: Stories by Northern California Crime Writers (finalist, 2020 Derringer Award)
"Peccata Mundy" in "Seascape: Best New England Crime Stories (2019)"
NONFICTION: "The Theatrical Adventures of Edward Gorey: Rare Drawings, Scripts, and Stories"
"Edward Gorey Plays Cape Cod: Puppets, People, Places, & Plots"
"Ourselves Among Others: Cross-Cultural Readings for Writers" (4 editions)
"Making Contact: Readings from Home and Abroad"
"The Environmental Predicament: 4 Issues for Critical Analysis"
"Powers of Ten" by Phil & Phylis Morrison and the Office of Charles & Ray Eames (Scientific American Library)
"Ghosts in the Mind's Machine" by Stephen M. Kosslyn, W.W. Norton
"The End of the Certain World: the Life & Science of Max Born" by Nancy Thorndike Greenspan, Basic Books
"Females of the Species" by Bettyann Holtzmann Kevles, Harvard University Press
"Silent Night Violent Night: a Cory Goodwin Mystery"
"Croaked: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery"
"Zapped: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery"
"Shafted. or The Toastrack Enigma: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery"
STORIES: "A Terrible Tragedy" in Malice Domestic 16: Mystery Most Diabolical
"Birdbrain" in Fault Lines: Stories by Northern California Crime Writers (finalist, 2020 Derringer Award)
"Peccata Mundy" in "Seascape: Best New England Crime Stories (2019)"
NONFICTION: "The Theatrical Adventures of Edward Gorey: Rare Drawings, Scripts, and Stories"
"Edward Gorey Plays Cape Cod: Puppets, People, Places, & Plots"
"Ourselves Among Others: Cross-Cultural Readings for Writers" (4 editions)
"Making Contact: Readings from Home and Abroad"
"The Environmental Predicament: 4 Issues for Critical Analysis"
"Powers of Ten" by Phil & Phylis Morrison and the Office of Charles & Ray Eames (Scientific American Library)
"Ghosts in the Mind's Machine" by Stephen M. Kosslyn, W.W. Norton
"The End of the Certain World: the Life & Science of Max Born" by Nancy Thorndike Greenspan, Basic Books
"Females of the Species" by Bettyann Holtzmann Kevles, Harvard University Press
FICTION, Historical Fiction, Mystery/Detective/Thriller, NON-FICTION, Biography, Memoir, OTHER, Performing Arts
San Francisco