Isn’t it funny? I can write about so many things, but when it comes to writing about myself, my fingers gnarl and refuse to type! This is not false modesty; just the remnants of my Protestant background that trained me to believe that only … [Read more...]
Booklife by Publisher’s Weekly Seeks Submissions for Certain Genre Lists
There doesn't seem to be any restriction on pub date, and there is no cost. This seems like an excellent opportunity for many of our BAIPA members and fans. Here's a link to the list for the rest of the year. They are now asking for submissions for … [Read more...]
Book Design for Reading & Comprehension with Bill Amatneek May 1, 2021
Book Design for Reading & Comprehension Bill discusses how to design a book for reading ease and comprehension, and how to set type to direct the reader’s eye. BAIPA 5.1.21 chat We all want to make our books look attractive to the … [Read more...]
Five-Minute Feedback Debuts at May 1 Meeting
At our next meeting, we’re going to try something new to tap into the smarts of our members and help each other out. We’re calling it “Five-Minute Feedback.” We can all benefit from feedback, but five minutes is not a lot of time. But what if you … [Read more...]
‘Audiblegate’ Update
Last meeting and in a previous blog post we brought up the "Audiblegate" issue — about how audiobook listeners are encouraged by Audible to return books at no cost, even if they've listened to it, and the authors lose their royalties. Here is further … [Read more...]
Introducing Kindle Vella…for serialized stories
This was just announced today, I believe. I found this video and below that are some links for more information. I have a feeling this will be useful to many BAIPA members. Please come back and add your thoughts to the Comments on this article. … [Read more...]
Graphic Design Secrets with Pauline Wiles – BAIPA April 3, 2021
Graphic Design Secrets to Elevate Your Online Marketing Tips & shortcuts to elevate your online marketing quickly & easily. Look like you hired a branding pro, even if you’re a design beginner. with Pauline Wiles BAIPA … [Read more...]
Audiblegate Campaign: Fair Deal for Rights Holders
The following article is copied from the ALLI website. ALLI, the Alliance of Independent Authors, an excellent non-profit professional association for authors who self-publish, much like BAIPA. ALLi was founded by Orna Ross and Philip Lynch in 2012. … [Read more...]
Trademark FAQ
Trademark FAQ Trademark is (for me) a fascinating area of law, and I always enjoy helping clients get their trademark registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Along the way, I’ve noticed a few questions that tend to get asked a lot, … [Read more...]
Deadline for Writer’s Digest Self-Published Author Awards is May 3
Have you heard about the Writer's Digest Book Awards for self-published authors? Here is the link to apply: The early-bird deadline is today, April 1, but the final deadline is May 3. … [Read more...]
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