A third gift book can benefit anyone who knows someone with a life-threatening disease, Roll
More information about all three can be found at woodyweingarten.com.
Bay Area Independent Publishers Association
A third gift book can benefit anyone who knows someone with a life-threatening disease, Roll
More information about all three can be found at woodyweingarten.com.
Woody Weingarten, San Anselmo author of The Roving I, Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates, and Rollercoaster: How a man can survive his partner’s breast cancer, has been an award-winning editor and writer for almost seven decades. Now he’s a feature writer, reviewer-critic, blogger, and publisher — despite allegedly being retired. He's busily rewriting another book (interrupted by the pandemic) that's about keeping the sizzle in relationships, and staying active in his dotage by being a doting grandpa.