BAIPA member Ann Steiner, Ph.D. has shared information about a National Speakers Association Seminar
Dear BAIPA Members,
As some of you know, the National Speakers Association helped me gain more confidence and skills going from writer to professional paid speaker. The skills I have learned as a member have helped me create and grow my national platform.
There are still openings for Write It, Speak It, Sell It … and Steal the Show! with Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, Speaker Hall of Fame, Saturday, August 13 from 1:30-5:30 p.m. in South San Francisco.
If you want to learn tips for promoting your writing through speaking, join us at this workshop.
Here is the description:
Nothing beats the feeling of walking away from an audience knowing you just hit the mark with your presentation. You connected, you felt the energy in the room, and you made a difference to improve their life and career. How do you make that magic happen?
On August 13, Patricia Fripp will show you how. And you’ll get a preview of NSANC’s program for speaker success—the 2016-17 Speakers Academy.
Whatever your level of experience—advanced speaker or starting out—you will learn techniques from Fripp that increase your impact with audiences. This event is perfect if you.
- Speak to audiences in board rooms, sales meetings, staff meetings, or convention halls.
- Consider yourself an ambitious professional who wishes to excel in your career.
- Want proven techniques to prepare successfully for every speech.
- In this interactive session you will learn how to:
- Mine the treasure trove of your experience for speech and story content.
- Organize your message into a simple structure to inspire, persuade or mobilize your audience.
Deliver your message to be memorable … for maximum impact
Watch Fripp coach volunteers from the audience and see how a subtle change in word, pause, or movement can impact every presentation.
NSANC Speakers Academy Alumni will be staffing an information booth to answer your questions on how NSANC can help you develop your speaking business.
Bring a friend and save!
Registration for 1: $45
Registration for 2: $60
Registration for 4: $100
Register now: Write It, Speak It, Sell It
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Board Member, National Speakers Association of Northern California
Thanks, Ann, for posting this event about speaking! You and I have both been very active in the the National Speakers Association. Northern California Chapter (NSA/NC), and I’m also planning on attending the Fripp event on Saturday afternoon, August 13th. Yes, writers need to learn how to do at least short presentations about their writings!
I’ll be at BAIPA for the morning session to hear Lee talk about monetizing our work. If anyone wants to join me for the afternoon at the NSA/NC event, I’m getting a group together so we can attend for $25 each. I can be emailed at lynnfraley at, or contacted at 510-843-8894. Look forward to seeing you there!