Suppose you have published and created demand for your book in bookstores and libraries. What is the best way to distribute your book? Our September speaker, Jackie Thompson will provide answers to that question in her morning presentation. … [Read more...]
Learn Audio and Audiobook Options for Your Book Project
How do you get people to really listen to your book's message? Can audio professionals enhance the sales of your book? Saturday, August 9, Becky Geist from Pro Audio Voices, and David Kudler from Stillpoint Digital Audio will take BAIPA members on … [Read more...]
Sharing the Pain of Birthing a Book
Lordy, I swear it was easier giving birth to my children than birthing a book. Last September a voice inside me told me to record an audio of some passages from a family memoir I wrote ten years ago. After one editor, an illustrator, a book … [Read more...]
"Acoustic Stories: Pickin' for the Prez and Other Unamplified Tales" Wins Foreword Reviews Award
BAIPA member Bill Amatneek's book, "Acoustic Stories: Pickin' for the Prez and Other Unamplified Tales," has been announced as a 2013 Foreword Reviews Book of the Year award winner in the category of Performing Arts & Music. See … [Read more...]
Lee Foster Wins Travel Writer Award
BAIPA member Lee Foster’s travel article on Palm Springs has won a prize in the 2014 Western Chapter Writing Awards sponsored by the Society of American Travel Writers. Lee’s article won a Silver Award. The article is titled “California’s Palm … [Read more...]
Special message and prize! from our June speaker
Hi. I’m Judith Briles, aka The Book Shepherd, and I’m looking forward to meeting all of you on Saturday, June 14. I’ll be bringing more to BAIPA than introducing the Author and Book GamePlan, How to Avoid the 7 Deadly Sins of Publishing, the … [Read more...]
An Author's Enigma – The Trauma of Publishing a Novel – Part 3
(This is the third of four excerpts from Jonathan R. Husband's short story of his publishing experience as a first-time indie author. It was written for the benefit of other BAIPA authors. In BAIPA, he is known as John Cammidge. -- Linda Jay, BAIPA … [Read more...]
An Awards Competition Just for Self-Publishers!
We know there are only two weeks left for this competition, but given the organization, this might be worth pursuing. Just so you know, regular entry fees are $110 for the first entry, and $85 for each additional entry. Let us know what you think in … [Read more...]
New Member, New Book: My Amazing Day
New BAIPA member Karin Fisher-Golton has written a new book, My Amazing Day: A Celebration of Wonder and Gratitude. She says: Here is a review I wanted to share with BAIPA members--both because I am very pleased and honored by what the reviewer saw … [Read more...]
Article, Video: Traditional vs Independent Book Publishing
Lee Foster, well-known travel writer and longtime BAIPA member, has been carefully following the issue of “Traditional versus Independent Book Publishing.” He is a practitioner as well as an observer of the trends. Lee has, in fact, given … [Read more...]