If you’re not a BAIPA member, now is a great time to join. Our regular membership is $10/month with automatic renewal. But by taking advantage of our Special November membership offer, you can save $20 on an annual basis. In November, you can join for $50 for six months.
There are many benefits to being a BAIPA member, including discounted rates for afternoon workshops, access to all recordings of previous presentations.
But the best reason to join is our wonderful, dynamic, creative members. Our monthly speakers cover the gamut of indie publishing, and are leaders and experts in their field. But many of our members are too. I mean no disrespect to any of our presenters, but I have learned as much or more from other members as from presenters. If you’ve been receiving our emails and have never been to a meeting, well, we’re meeting December 3 — David Kudler will be presenting on book cover design and we’ll be having our annual book cover contest.