At our December meeting we tested out the option of having a member Zoom in to the meeting via video conferencing. It worked! The challenges were minor and can easily be addressed with a bit of a set up change. So, we’re planning to make this available again in January for BAIPA members who request that option for the January 11 meeting. Let’s find out how it goes with more than one person via internet.
Again, this is for members whose membership is currently active. Just email [email protected] with the subject line: Zoom in January. We’ll start the Zoom call at 9 am and keep it running through the morning presentation.
We’ve also got our video camera working again and will get back to posting videos of the morning presentation and any accompanying presenter slides we have in the member-only resource area. To access that area and all the resources already there, log in to the website. From the Member Portal, click on the red Member-only Resources button.