Allen Bronstein

Dick Jordan
Curious about why video makes a great promotional tool for authors and their books? Find out during the morning session and afternoon workshop at BAIPA on Saturday, July 11. The knowledgeable speakers are Dick Jordan, member of Left Coast Writers, Bay Area Travel Writers and the Community Media Center of Marin, and Allen Bronstein, Content Chief of Mobile Movie Making (www.mobilemoviemaking.com). BAIPA Board member and award-winning travel writer Lee Foster is the program facilitator.

Lee Foster
In the morning session, “Video as a Promotional Tool for the Independent Author,” Jordan and Bronstein will discuss why authors should consider using video as a promotional tool, available types of video content, what it takes to produce a compelling video, and how your video can be “broadcast” online and on public access TV stations.
Join the BAIPA audience for the morning presentation and find out:
* The pros and cons of getting into video
* Which types of authors benefit most from using video in promoting their books
* Most effective venues for your videos to be shown
* How to hire professional videographers
The afternoon workshop, “Filming and Editing Your Own Promotional Video,” will highlight equipment, software, and tips of the trade for producing your own videos. The fine points of how authors can shoot and edit video with smartphones, tablets, and computers, and which consumer-level video editing software to purchase will be covered.
Topics covered in the afternoon include:
* Anatomy of a YouTube channel
* Author and publisher YouTube videos
* Feasible “Do-It-Yourself” video projects
* Resources for learning video production skills
* Authors on-camera: Good and bad
Bring a sharp focus to your knowledge of author videos at BAIPA on July 11!