That is a list of individual libraries. Most of them are parts of systems of many libraries. I have sold my book to two library systems (so far!) each bought 5 or 6 copies and put them in multiple branches. I think the best approach is to walk into a library, show a librarian the book, and then have that person put you in contact with their system’s buyer, hopefully with his/her endorsement. The buyer may also like seeing reviews of the book.
You have inspired me to visit more libraries! The bonus is you get to go to a library. : )
I wonder if someone will have an even better method.
Another thing I thought to mention in case it helps is that publishers usually give libraries a discount. I did some research on what was a typical library discount for my type of book and made a policy.
How about exploring booth costs to exhibit at the next ALA conference, or the CA state version?
Are libraries able to order your book through their main system?
Alicia Young
Two upcoming speakers at BAIPA: September’s Jackie Thompson from Ingram and October’s Amy Collins from New Shelves Distribution will be addressing this.
I had luck working with Quality Books, a distributor that specializes in sales to libraries. They are based in Illinois, so their reach is beyond California. They are willing to work with indie authors, too.
Hi Joel,
That is a list of individual libraries. Most of them are parts of systems of many libraries. I have sold my book to two library systems (so far!) each bought 5 or 6 copies and put them in multiple branches. I think the best approach is to walk into a library, show a librarian the book, and then have that person put you in contact with their system’s buyer, hopefully with his/her endorsement. The buyer may also like seeing reviews of the book.
You have inspired me to visit more libraries! The bonus is you get to go to a library. : )
I wonder if someone will have an even better method.
Thanks Karin, I keep hoping for an easier way…
You’re welcome.
Another thing I thought to mention in case it helps is that publishers usually give libraries a discount. I did some research on what was a typical library discount for my type of book and made a policy.
How about exploring booth costs to exhibit at the next ALA conference, or the CA state version?
Are libraries able to order your book through their main system?
Alicia Young
Sorry – I meant “system”.
Two upcoming speakers at BAIPA: September’s Jackie Thompson from Ingram and October’s Amy Collins from New Shelves Distribution will be addressing this.
In the meantime you may want to go to her website at
Also check past speaker Brian Jud’s website and newsletter for information about this as well. or
I had luck working with Quality Books, a distributor that specializes in sales to libraries. They are based in Illinois, so their reach is beyond California. They are willing to work with indie authors, too.
I hope this helps!