Now and then, BAIPA gets requests to speak — about BAIPA and/or about self-publishing. But we have not been actively seeking out such opportunities.
Until now.
Well, that is, until we can get together a team of volunteers to find the gigs, map out what we want to say, and deliver the presentations.
Over the past year or two, BAIPA members have presented at Rossmoor, the San Francisco Writers Conference, California Writers Club Napa, and several libraries as well as radio interviews. In April, Ruth Schwartz and David Kudler will be presenting The Promise (and Peril) of Self-Publishing at the Marin Writers Conference.
We’ll be talking this idea up at future meeting. If you’re interested, contact me or one of the other board members at an upcoming meeting or at [email protected].
Having 25 years of writing novels and self publishing,I am interested in speaking abut self publishing