BAIPA has teamed up with Senior Center Without Walls (SCWW), an award-winning program of Episcopal Senior Communities, which allows seniors to participate in more than 70 groups by phone or online, all from the comfort of home.
The newest, Authors Read Aloud, gives independently published authors, like us, an opportunity to read selections from their books and then answer questions. This collaboration was put together by BAIPA President Becky Parker Geist, with BAIPA as the host for this weekly reading.
It started in January, with a new author featured each Friday. (I read on January 12, from my 2013 political thriller, Bones in the Wash: Politics is Tough. Family is Tougher. It was fun and I sold a book. You can read about my experience here.)
We need readers on Friday, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6. The readings start at 10:15. Please contact Becky Parker Geist if you’re available to read on one of these dates.
I called in to Authors Read Aloud on February 23rd and read from my mystery novel, “The Oath.” I had a great time answering questions from Dorothy in the Bronx, Linda in Southern California, Mary, Toby and Gloria. And thanks to Becky Parker Geist for arranging the session through #bayareaindependentpublishersassociation #baipa