“Dear Contributor, We thank you for the opportunity to review your submission. We regret that it does not meet our present needs, and we wish you the best of luck placing your work elsewhere. Sincerely, The Editors” If you’re a writer trying … [Read more...]
Anne Hill is the June Speaker
Join us at 750 Lindaro Street, San Rafael for the June meeting of BAIPA. Anne Hill is our featured speaker. She will present: Build An Author Platform That's Built To Last in the morning meeting and follow in the afternoon with an in-depth … [Read more...]
Make Your Own News
Make Your Own News If you are looking to build your status as an expert and build your author platform, write and publish a news release every week. It can be an article about you, your expertise, an aspect of your book, the research you did … [Read more...]
Share Your Self-Publishing Tips
Share your best practices for self-publishers A tip that makes it easier for you may just help others with the same challenges. … [Read more...]