by John Byrne Barry
Two weeks from today, on March 15 at 10 am, I’ll be leading a two-hour workshop called “How to Write a Killer Book Blurb.” Register here — How to Write a Killer Book Blurb.
Other than your book cover and title, nothing is more important in attracting readers to your book than your blurb, whether it’s on your back cover, your online sales page, or your promotional collateral.
This is a collaborative and hands-on workshop. We’ll start with a brief overview and some formulas and examples, and devote most of our time to strengthening and sharpening blurbs submitted by participants. I led this workshop last spring at Book Passage in Corte Madera and one of the participants said the most stimulating and valuable part was collaborating with the other participants to strengthen and sharpen the submitted blurbs.
We will put blurbs up on the shared screen and, together, brainstorm ideas and edit copy. We’ll cover fiction and nonfiction.
That means I need you to submit your blurb in advance.
Blurbs are due by Tuesday, March 10.
- Send a blurb of 100 words or less to [email protected] by March 10. One blurb per participant.
- Register for the workshop here — How to Write a Killer Book Blurb. It’s $25 for members, $40 for nonmembers. Members must log in to register.
You need not have completed your book, or even started it, to participate. A compelling blurb can be just as important before you’ve written your book, because it can guide you as you write.
Of course, you don’t need to submit a blurb to participate in the workshop, but you’ll probably appreciate it more if you do.
I look forward to working with you to make your blurbs better.
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