While authors make up the majority of BAIPA members, we also include dozens of service providers — editors, designers, marketers, and more.
Which is a fortuitous mix, because many authors need help getting their book ready for publication and then finding an audience.
We’re launching a new feature on the BAIPA website, to make it easier for service providers to promote themselves and for authors to find them.

Here’s our first service provider promotion, from our president Becky Parker Geist, who prefered hers to be in third person.
If you’re a service provider, we welcome you to submit a blog post introducing yourself and how you can help authors.
These posts are not endorsements, only introductions. It’s up to authors to do whatever due diligence necessary to find the right person to meet your needs.
Here are the specifications for service providers who would like to promote themselves.
- You can write in first person or third, but tell us what you do.
- Include at least one useful tip, so it’s more than just self-promotion.
- Tell a story if you can.
- Include samples of your work or link to samples. One to three images.
- You can also include your headshot, though keep in mind that if you are writing in first person, your BAIPA profile with your mug will be below the post.
- The post needs to be edited and proofed and ready for publication.
- One post per person, even if you provide multiple services.
- You must be a current BAIPA member to keep your post live on our website.
- Once your post has been published, you can encourage clients to post comments. (All comments are moderated, to avoid spam.)
(Note: You can always ask someone to interview you and we can post that.)
It will take a few months before we get enough service provider posts published, and once we do, we’ll create an index linking to all the relevant posts.