Book Marketing Mentor is looking for Authors Who Want Help with Their Marketing
The Dynamic Duo Promise to Educate Authors and Have Fun Too
Judy Reyes and Judy Baker, partners in Book Marketing Mentor, are launching a free pilot program in April. The Mentoring group for authors will meet online. If you are interested in getting support to launch and market your book, check out their website,
What’s Your Book Marketing Mindset?
Take the Book Marketing Mindset assessment to reveal your score and to apply to the program.
They plan to cover a specific strategy marketing and how to implement it at each session. There will time for questions and answers too.
It will be a small group and we will meet 6 times, the first and third Mondays of the month from noon to 1 pm.
If you have questions, contact one of the Judy’s.
[email protected], 707.938.2586
[email protected], 800921.7256
The assessment link isn’t working properly. Please check it when you can.
Should be working now. Try it again.