2018 is a good time to think about renewing and upgrading your WordPress author website. I am putting a lot of energy this year into the transformation of my fostertravel.com.
I recently gave a talk and organized a panel on this subject at a meeting of the Bay Area Travel Writers (batw.org,), a sister organization to BAIPA, of about the same size. You can see the summary, slides, and video my website at fostertravel.com.
This may interest you for your author website.
Developing a strong author website related to your book is important. Anyone searching on the internet for you, your book title, or your book subject can become aware of your book. Your social media efforts can pull people back to your website, where consumers can learn about your book and expertise. Buy buttons from your website can go directly into Amazon and other vendors.
If you have an author website, Google will now want it to be “mobile friendly,” another aspect of the current transition. Google will give you more “searches” if you comply. Since many people will now be looking at your website on their mobile phones, you will want them to have a good experience. About 40 percent of total traffic to my website is now from mobile devices. About 80 percent of all my traffic comes from Google organic searches, so when Google makes a recommendation, I listen.
Consumers are also becoming more concerned about security, when they buy something through your website or simply transmit their data, such as an email. Consumers will want to keep their data exchange encrypted. The response you need to show is that your website is properly “https secure.” The little green lock showing about your website on a URL (unique record locator) search in Google will alert consumers that you comply. Google will give you more search results if you comply.
Another aspect of modern WordPress websites is that the “themes” possible for a website keep getting better. Your book content will look better to the public with a modern theme. My website began in 1995 as a hand-built html site. In 2009 it became a WordPress website when WordPress emerged as the most viable structure. My new “Newspaper” theme in 2018 is more engaging than my earlier 2009 theme and requires minimal “custom” coding work. Custom coding is not a good thing, especially if your design person is no longer available for updates, as happened to me, when my designer moved his family to Europe.
Very interesting, Lee. I’ll take a careful look at your website and see if there’s anything I can steal.
Much appreciated.
Gordon Burgett