by John Byrne Barry Two weeks from today, on March 15 at 10 am, I'll be leading a two-hour workshop called "How to Write a Killer Book Blurb." Register here — How to Write a Killer Book Blurb. Other than your book cover and title, nothing is … [Read more...]
How a Critique Group Works
by Mike Van Horn, I've had a critique group for years, and people have asked how it works so they could form one also. Our group has six members — -about the max. We meet monthly — recently by Zoom, but formerly in person. A week before each … [Read more...]
‘The Pirates of Sausalito’ Or Maybe ‘Pirates? In Sausalito?’ Help Me Decide
At our April 6 meeting, I will be leading a Five-Minute Feedback session about the title of my upcoming book. Titles are important. And hard. Once my book is published on KDP, I can change the book description, the cover, the interior, and the … [Read more...]
3/2/24 RECORDING: Writing Success Guaranteed with Mike Larsen
Writing Success Guaranteed: Using Your 10 Unique Superpowers to Build a Career Doing What You Love Michael Larsen, Michael Larsen Author Coaching BAIPA March 2024 chat Learn how to clarify and reach your writing career goals as quickly as … [Read more...]
How I Turned Blog Posts into a Book About Character Creation
I call the process, BYOB: Blog Your Own Book By Marilyn Flower Not your typical way to create or develop characters which usually involves a list. A long list of striking visuals, quirky tics, personality traits, bio, and even their CV. … [Read more...]
One editor’s views on AI
I came across this article as I was researching AI for writers and authors online the other day, and I thought it might be worth reading by our BAIPA audience. Not the link to Joanna Penn's article towards the end. Will AI Replace Writers? It … [Read more...]
When ‘Ted Lasso’ Meets ‘Grapes of Wrath,’ ‘On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous,’ and My Unfinished Novel
During the school year, I’m a crossing guard — an hour in the morning, and an hour in the afternoon — and twice every weekday I walk to and from my corner, which adds up to five miles, more when I swung by Coyote Coffee to sit outside and schmooze … [Read more...]
Sausalypso! — ‘All is Lost’ or ‘The Show Must Go On’?
While directing my play, “Sausalypso Houseboat Wars Murder Mystery,” I was reading Save the Cat Writes a Novel, in which author Jessica Brody lays out the various “beats” in a novel, one of which is “All is Lost.” Three days before Opening Night, … [Read more...]
Sausalypso Houseboat Wars Murder Mystery Opens in Tam Valley on March 3
Three years ago, at the beginning of the pandemic, I wrote a murder mystery play for my local community theater troupe, the Tam Valley Players, not realizing it would be years before we returned to live theater. Now it has been years and I am … [Read more...]
Join Us for ‘Setting That Works’ Workshop on October 15 @ 10 am
Setting That Works How Memorable Setting Can Advance Plot, Reveal Character, Echo Theme, and More Flash Flood In my first novel — Bones in the Wash: Politics is Tough. Family is Tougher. — my protagonist, Tomas Zamara, the mayor of … [Read more...]
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