Author Meg Beeler has just received word that Findhorn Press will publish her book, Living in the Heart of the Universe: Expanding Your Relationship with Earth and the Cosmos, in 2017. Also this month, as icing on the cake, the book’s cover … [Read more...]
Dan Schieberl Seeking Illustrator for Children's Book
BAIPA member Dan Schieberl, who has written a children's book called Troll Mountain, is looking to hire an illustrator for it, and for other books in the series. Any interested illustrators should send him samples for their work to … [Read more...]
Updated Agenda for Our Upcoming "Everything Amazon Day"
David and I are really looking forward to presenting key points about the most important Amazon services for independent authors on September 12th during our presentation—Everything Amazon. We have refined our list and here’s the latest agenda for … [Read more...]
Book Design for Independent Authors
BAIPA Features Three-Person Design Panel on February 7 Sometimes cliches are true. Potential buyers of BAIPA authors' books really DO judge a book by its cover! So it's particularly appropriate that the topic of our special first-Saturday-in-February … [Read more...]