Joel Blackwell
Below is an image of how Amazon presents my books for sale:
I asked David Kudler, author and publisher, to please explain to me what is going on since this seems insane. Here’s what he said:

David Kudler
“What’s going on is that booksellers aren’t all honest. This is an out-of-print book; what they’ll often do is list it at an outrageous price just to see if someone is desperate enough to buy it. The kicker is that they DON’T NECESSARILY HAVE A COPY. So they’ll sell it for $328 … then turn around and buy it at $0.92 and have the other bookstore send it to you. Nice work if you can get it.
“The same thing happens with in-print books. There’s a guy right now who’s offering my $26.99 POD hardcover for $122.54. If someone orders it from him, he’ll turn around and order it from Amazon and pocket the profit. I get the same exact royalty; the person who’s burned is the buyer.”
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to prevent or stop these things from happening. And it is good to get a clear explanation.