Looking for a chance to gain some recognition or something good to Twitter about? Or how about a chance to win a hefty $200 cash prize? Well here’s your chance. It’s not too late to submit your book for the 2015 BAIPA Book Awards! But don’t procrastinate—the deadline is coming up lightning quick—on Tuesday, June 30!
Any book published in 2013 and 2014 and not previously submitted for a BAIPA Book Award is eligible. Books in all genres are welcome, including fiction and non-fiction, in either print or e-book format. Every submission will be reviewed by judges and evaluated with scores given for writing style, editorial standards, cover design, interior design, marketability and overall assessment. This is a great opportunity to get an evaluation and feedback on your book.
Please spread the word—let your fellow writers know about it, and if they’re not already BAIPA members, they can join when they submit their book for the award.
So what are you waiting for?
To fill out an entry form, visit BookAwardsEntryForm.
If you have any questions, contact Pennie Sempell at [email protected].
Hello Lily,
Any word on when the BAIPA Book Awards will be announced, please?
Best wishes,
They will be announced at the December meeting.