Interview with Rich Ehisen on The Open Mic

Rich Ehisen
Honestly, I didn’t launch the BAIPA author interview series as a way to promote myself, though I do sort of believe in karma, just not in a direct quid-pro-quo kind of way.
So it was a pleasant surprise to be contacted out of the blue by Sacramento writer and reporter Rich Ehisen for an interview about my writing and publishing adventures. (Or was all part of my devious master plan?)
Rich is a friend of my cousin Don Kehoe, who read and enjoyed “Bones in the Wash.”
We chatted on the phone in December, and he posted a distilled version of our wide-ranging conversation this morning — The Open Mic: A Few Words With “Wasted” Author John Byrne Barry
You can pass on the karma by following Rich on twitter.
And I’ll be back setting up author interviews in a few days.
John Byrne Barry

John Byrne Barry
Author of Wasted: Murder in the Recycle Berkeley Yard and Bones in the Wash: Politics is Tough, Family is Tougher (winner of the 2015 Best Book Award from Bay Area Independent Publishers Association)