And the winners are….! At the October BAIPA meeting, Judy Baker, Book Award Chair for this year, announced the 2013 BAIPA Book Award Winners to an appreciative crowd.
Look for separate posts in each category over the next couple of weeks, and brief interviews with the authors following later.
Here are the 2013 BAIPA Book Award Winners:
Best Cover Design
Book Title: The Boy Who Was Not A Lesbian & Other True Stories
Author: Kristin Lyseggen
Best Historic Fantasy
Book Title: Quest of the Warrior Maiden
Subtitle: Volume 1 in the Bradamante and Ruggerio series
Author: Linda C. McCabe
Best Novel
Book Title: A Daughter’s Inheritance
Author: Geraldine Boyce
Best Novel, Young Adult, LGBT
Book Title: Elk River
Author: Gregory C. Randall
Best Children’s Picture Book
Book Title: Zack’s Zany ZucchiniLand
Author: Sandy Baker
Best Children’s Picture Book + DVD
Book Title: Dorme
Subtitle: A Magical Dreamland Visit
Author: Sylvia Binsfeld
Best Children’s Chapter Book
Book Title: Lilah Dill and the Magic Kit
Author: JL Jusaitis
Best Memoir
Book Title: The Woman in the Photograph
Subtitle: The Search for My Mother’s Past
Author: Mani Feniger
Best Non-fiction: Family History
Book Title: The Courdins of Val Pellice
Subtitle: A Waldensian Chronicle
Author: Jim Staley
Nonfiction: Parenting/Family Relationships
Book Title: The Approximate Parent
Subtitle: Discovering the Strategies That Work with Your Teenager
Author: Michael Y. Cimon
Nonfiction: Grandparenting/Parenting
Book Title: The Grammie Guide
Subtitle: Activities and Answers for Grandparenting Today
Author(s): Jan Eby, Laurie Mobilio, Lynne Noel, Cindy Summers
Where do I find the submissions information for the new (2014) BAIPA awards?
Cynthia – The board actually decided to wait until fall of 2014 before putting out the request for submissions. That will allow the inclusion of even more books.
Any news yet on your 2014 Awards timing? I want to make sure we don’t miss your submissions deadline!
Cynthia –
We should know soon as we pull together the Awards Committee. Don’t worry. We will make sure you hear about it!
Hi Guys . . . just checking to see if you have released any details about how one enters titles for the 2014 awards? Thanks!
We’re still in the process of pulling together this year’s awards; we’re looking for a committee of judges. But we’ll make an announcement as soon as there’s one to make!