David and I are really looking forward to presenting key points about the most important Amazon
services for independent authors on September 12th during our presentation—Everything Amazon.
We have refined our list and here’s the latest agenda for the morning session:
- Amazon—Opportunity and Controversy: What’s all the fuss about?
- CreateSpace—Your Amazon Print-on-Demand Book: Tips on submission and marketing.
- KDP—Your Amazon Ebook: A quick map of the great KDP Select divide (exclusive or non-exclusive?), and the consequences, including KindleUnlimited and the new subscription payment system.
- Kindle Scout: A new offering from Amazon. Kindle Scout is reader-powered publishing for new, never-before-published books. It’s a place where readers help decide if a book gets published.
- Amazon Advantage: How to sell your offset-printed books on Amazon.
- Amazon Seller Central: How you can sell autographed copies of your books and other merchandise on the world’s largest marketplace.
- Amazon Affiliates—Your Amazon Associates relationship: Earn a little for every customer you send to Amazon. Is having your own Amazon-store helpful?
- AuthorCentral—Your Amazon Author Page: Why you need one, and how to improve what you’ve got.
- Amazon Reviews: Best practices for getting them
- Amazon’s Goodreads: How to engage reviewers for your book.
We will have a handout on which you can take notes—we will be moving fast to cover that many topics.
Then we will break for lunch (12:15-1:00pm). If you want to get one of The Key Room’s gourmet lunches for only $12, please make sure you reserve your lunch AND ideally pay for it no later than Monday, September 7th at 4pm. Yes, that is Labor Day. Reserve lunch.
The afternoon schedule looks like this:
1:00-1:50pm—Q&A with David Kudler and Ruth Schwartz. Ask us anything about Amazon. However, if your question relates to any of the following topics, please attend that session.
2:00-2:50pm—Two concurrent roundtables around Book Production: one on CreateSpace with Ruth Schwartz, and one on KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) with David.
3:00-3:50: Three concurrent roundtables around Marketing: Amazon Reviews with Judy Baker, Author Central with Ruth Schwartz and Categories and Keywords with David Kudler.
3:50-4:00—Catch our breaths and pack up for the day.
Remember, members get in free to the morning session ($15 for guests) and the afternoon is $25 for members and $40 for nonmembers. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September 12th for our Everything Amazon Day!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Ruth Schwartz