With all the concern about viruses, and in accordance with the Marin County recommendations, BAIPA WILL still meet on Saturday 3/14. As we had already implemented, for all members and all visitors who register in advance, we will also provide an option to attend via Zoom video conferencing. We’ll send the link out to members and registrants. If for any reason you have not received it by 9 pm Friday night, please email president @ baipa.org to request the link.
If you are feeling at all unwell, please attend via Zoom and not in person. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you either in person or via Zoom on Saturday!
General meeting begins at 9 am, speaker presentation is at 11 am, after Q&A, networking time, introductions & announcements, followed by our informal lunch gathering from 12:15-1:00 PM, and then our Afternoon Workshop. Scroll down for details and to register.
(Click here for the schedule for the day)
Current BAIPA members must log in first to get a free ticket to the morning session and a discounted ticket for the afternoon workshop. Then come back to this page. There is a Member login link in the upper right corner of the site.
Lessons in Literary Law
Overview of copyrights, trademarks, right of privacy/publicity, defamation, and contracts
Kelley A. Way, Law Office of Kelley A. Way
Every author should know their rights in relation to their work. This presentation covers five areas of law:
1. Copyrights – what is a copyright, what rights you have, how to avoid copyright infringement, and what to do about infringers
2. Trademarks – what is a trademark, what rights you have, how to avoid trademark infringement, and how to respond to infringers
3. Rights of privacy and publicity – what they are and how to avoid accusations of invasion of privacy or violating the right of publicity
4. Defamation – what it is and how to avoid accusations of defamation (will also explain the difference between libel and slander)
5. Contracts – overview of contract law, dos and don’ts when signing a contract.
1. Know your legal rights to your work and how to protect them
2. Learn how to avoid a lawsuit over your writing
3. Know what to look for (and look out for) when signing a contract
Copyright Registration Tutorial
Kelley A. Way, Law Office of Kelley A. Way
Walk through the process of registering a copyright with the Copyright Office. If time and technology permit, I will register copyrights for a member or two in the audience so everyone can see how it’s done. Participants will need to reimburse me for the filing fee ($35 or $55, depending on what is being registered).
1. Get a look at the Copyright Office website
2. See how the registration process works
3. Register your copyright (time and technology permitting)
About Our Speaker: Kelley A. Way
Kelley Way graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in English in 2007, followed by a Juris Doctorate in 2010. Kelley is a member of the California Bar and an aspiring writer of young adult fantasy novels. Kelley practices copyright, trademark and estate planning law at The Law Office of Kelley A. Way.
Connect Kelley:
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kawaylaw.com
March 14, 2020
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
I’d love to see this later, if it’s recorded.
Yes, we did record the morning session. However, the recording will only be available to BAIPA members in the Member Resources area. We will send out an announcement when this particular recording has been uploaded. Anyone not yet a member is welcome to join to access this recording as well as others from the past and on into the future, as long as your membership is current.